Friday 28 January 2011

Hey, penguins!

Yep, the new play is finally here! And along with this, a heap of glitches. The first one I found is that you can now play Club Penguin in two tabs! :D So, you can control multiple penguins.

I love this play, it's awesome! :D What do you think of this play? What are you hoping will come back, apart from the Viking Opera? Let me know in a comment!

- Horrid


  1. Love the glitch! I love the play too!

  2. I cant do two penguins, cause I tryed like ya said with 2 tabs, but it just said the normal thing when you have 2 tabs with Club Penguin, I think they haved fixed the glitch.

  3. Yes, they have now. Thanks for telling me!
